News & Publications

Please read the latest progress report, interesting results, test unit news or what has been published about HyWin.

One of the important answers the test unit must deliver is, how well the room temperature is controlled under varying outside temperatures and solar radiation. The system monitors more than 50 different measuring points, recording temperatures, air pressure, water flow, humidity, solar radiation, pressure differences and more.  From these measurements it continuously calculates the balance...

Achim Geissler, Professor at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, FHNW in Muttenz (Switzerland), completed the HyWin simulation study supported by the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse. The simulation gives a strong indication of the HyWin ability to ensure a comfortable indoor climate, both in summer and winter, without any additional  cooling or heating....

The extraordinarily hot and humid summer 2018 is a very tough test for HyWin.  Even with outside temperature of 35°C and full sun exposure over a large part of the day, the temperature inside the HyWin cavity is maintained at the desired room level of around 22-23°C. The high outside temperature also simulates the presence...