HyWin history & milestones

Taking into account the importance of the facade for the energy balance of a building, it has become clear to us that only an integral approach can bring us closer to a solution.


The idea to improve the energy balance of glass facades is born. First PV centered con-cepts are rejected after meeting industry experts and focus is shifted on temperature control in the closed cavity to avoid over-heating and condensation.


Examined various setups. A simulation of the cooling system by Ivan Plüss (HSLU) suggest-ed a set of values to be met. Decided to implement a water-air heat exchanger inside the closed cavity. The closed cavity has a triple glazing outside and single glazing inside, reversal of the existing CCF systems. Sun shield inside the glass cavity.

International patent applications.


First laboratory unit 0.55 x 1m, with heat exchangers in the side walls of the window and halogen lamps simulating the sun radiation. The cooling effect was as expected but the scalability of the concept for larger window was insufficient. The redesigned laboratory unit therefore worked with the heat exchanger installed in the ceiling of the cavity.

HyWin GmbH is founded.


The next design iteration was to move the heat exchanger unit to the bottom of the closed cavity together with the separation of the up and downstream air flow by an additional glass pane for higher efficiency in cold periods The halogen lights were replaced by Halide daylight lamps with sun-like spectrum. Several hundred hours of measurements delivered the quantitative framework for future design.

An independent review of literature solutions by HSLU financed by Innosuisse.


Concept for integration of HyWin in the building’s ground probe system. Several work-shops with technical universities and experts.

Simulation tools for instant and annual energy balance. Integration concepts.


The test unit No. 6 is built and placed outdoors for test it under real condition. Starting planning phase for a larger test unit. Simulation of the suggested test unit by Prof. Geissler FHNW financed by Innosuisse.

HyWin’s Application to the Swiss Climate Foundation for financing of the test unit was granted.

Design of the test unit based on the evaluation of the laboratory experiments.


Finalizing the design and ordering all components for the test Unit <Trailer 2> equipped with a HyWin façade element with realistic 2 x 2.5m. Final setup and commissioning in September. Sophisticated control and metrology systems. The unit is located on a farm with unrestricted south view. International patents granted.


Alois Müller Group acquires HyWin GmbH. Alois Müller Group from Ungerhausen (Bavaria) is a German manufacturer and provider of energy and building services  as well as industrial systems engineering. Alois Müller Group is known for its energy-efficient solutions, which are realized with the use of latest, intelligent technologies.

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